Anne M. Carpenter has written fiction from a very young age. Her first "novel" was composed in the fifth grade. An epic tome that began aboard the USS Arizona just before the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, it contained several pages written entirely in Morse code. A later novel, written in high school, was big on sex and angst and low on plot.
As her writing matured, Anne turned to short stories and was honored to win or place in many of the contests she entered. She also began several full-length projects. Her favorite genres in writing are women's lit and contemporary fiction.
Anne is a voracious reader - reading 100 works or more per year - and enjoys helping other writers through critiques and as an editor.
The author is a proud police wife, a mom of two (very!) young children, and a servant to two cats and two dogs. She lives in Fort Worth, Texas.
Contact Anne at or visit her alter ego, Tiffany, at